Virginia Farm Woolworks


Suggested method for dyeing a wool jumper.


Make sure the jumper is clean and has no grease spots on it, then soak it thoroughly (preferably at least an hour) in warm water to which has been added a little detergent.


Mix the pot of dye in a jar with hot water – stir thoroughly.    Fill a large vessel (eg. Laundry tub) with enough warm water to completely cover the jumper.

You will need to add 40 grams of dissolved Urea (available from nursery) and 200 mils of white vinegar per litre of water, so you will need to know how much water is in the tub.  Stir very thoroughly.  Then add the dissolved dye.  Again stir very thoroughly.


Now add the wet but squeezed out jumper.

Using rubber gloves, move the jumper around in the dye, making sure there are no folds.

When colour appears to be even, let it soak in the dye for about 10 minutes, then lift out – dripping wet – and place flat on a sheet of plastic.   Cover with another sheet of plastic or fold edges of the undersheet over to cover all the top if it is large enough.   Then roll up loosely and seal edges to contain dye.

Place outside on grass or concrete and leave for (winter) 48 hours, turning over several times.


When aged, open parcel and rinse jumper thoroughly in tepid water.    Will take about 4

rinses to get all the surplus dye out.     Dry flat in shade.


Comment:   this is least messy when done outside on the grass if you can find an old baby’s bath or similar to do it in.    Good luck!